Saturday, November 15, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

guess who coming to Mpls!!!!!

I just got my tickets to 1D Four Tour!!!! Section H, on the floor!!!! I am going to make the best sign so Harry will give me a wave!!! I can't wait, 8 months!!!!! fave

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Tshirt contest to win a trip to Orlando to see the boys....yes please!
Lily Schaaf

Front of tshirt

                                                                         Back of tshirt


New album!!! Can you say WHOOT WHOOT!!!!!

I'm back!

I am back ! I have been MIA from my blog for awhile!!! So much 1D news, so many pictures and things to share!!!! AAAAHHH!!!

First.....I saw the boys live!!!! Chicago, August 29th~ Best day of my life!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

song 6

I love the song Don't Forget Where You Belong! My Mom and I have our 3 favorites for the car ride to school, this one, Happily and Diana. 

Why I love DFWYB....because it tells the story about what its like to be one of the guys. What it feels like to be away from home and touring. It brings a tear to my eye, because you feel bad for them being away from the people who they love, their families. It is also telling you that no one loves you like your own family. 

This song needs to be heard on the radio, it is one of the best on the album! My favorite part is the end
NEVER forget it.....this would never! Love you 1D. lils